
We're a team of traders and developers who've been in the trading world for a long time. We've seen it all - the ups, the downs, and everything in between. But one thing we couldn't find was a reliable trade copying service online.

So, we decided to do something about it. We gathered our expertise and passion for trading and started building our own solution from scratch. We wanted to create something that we could trust, something that would make trading easier for everyone.

Our developers are highly skilled with master's degrees and have over 15 years of experience in safety areas such as medical, automotive and telecommunication. They are well-versed in building secure systems and have a deep understanding of functional safety (FuSi).

We put our heads together and came up with a modern and robust architecture for MetaCopier. It's like having a fortress - with multiple regions, multiple providers, and a backup plan in place for any situation. If there's ever an error, MetaCopier kicks into action and switches to a backup system in less than a minute. And if there's a big problem like a cloud outage, don't worry - we've got it covered. The backup system kicks in within five minutes, keeping your trades safe and secure.

Now, we know that these kinds of issues don't happen every day. But we wanted to make sure that if they do, we're ready. That's why we built MetaCopier to be resilient and reliable, so you can trade with confidence.

But we didn't stop there. We kept adding new features to MetaCopier, based on our own needs and the feedback we received from other traders. And here's the best part - you can get involved too. We're always open to hearing your ideas and suggestions. After all, MetaCopier is a solution made by traders, for traders.

Our goal is simple: to provide a trustworthy service with all the tools you need to succeed in trading. With MetaCopier, you're not just getting a service - you're getting a partner in your trading journey.

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