Instructions on how to install and use the MetaCopier API Client package
Install OpenAPI Generator CLI
See instructions under Generation
Create API Key from metacopier.io
To generate yourself an API Key please navigate to metacopier.io > Your Projects > (Choose a project) > API Keys
Note: Please do not share your API Key to people whom you don't trust.
Package Information
Both packages from option 1 or option 2 are based on the following OpenAPI configuration:
Option 1: Install with NuGet
Execute the following command to install the api package to your project:
Option 2: Generate package with OpenAPI Generator CLI
Execute CLI command
Execute the following command to generate the SDK package:
Change Output Type
Open up generated project file Org.OpenAPITools.csproj and value of output type to the following:
Install and Update NuGet Packages
First, run the following dotnet CLI command inside the generated project to restore the NuGet packages:
Then use the following command to list all installed NuGet Packages:
The following should be listed:
Now navigate into the following directory "src\Org.OpenAPITools" and execute the following commands to install and update the necessary NuGet packages:
After installing and updating the necessary NuGet packages assure your packages have at least the following version:
Run the following code
Create a program.cs file and insert the following code, then replace the "YOUR-API-KEY" with your own and run the code:
What endpoints can I call?
To check all available endpoints see REST API
Need more help?
Check the README.md for further information
Last updated